
Saturday, August 28, 2010

British DJ Labels Justin Bieber a "Precocious Little Brat"

Turns out, not everyone loves Justin Bieber.

Following Bill O'Reilly's criticism of the singer's Elle photo shoot, British DJ Scott Mills has come out and really attacked Bieber.

After recently interviewing the 16-year old sensation, Mills Tweeted: "Seriously, someone needs to have a word with him. He's a precocious little brat."

As you might expect, this did not sit well with the 27 billion teenagers afflicted with Bieber Fever. They bombarded Mills with responses, leading to this follow-up Tweet:

"I may have called Justin bieber a brat in today's metro! Just my experience of him,sorry.. Getting few angry messages!"

This isn't the first time Bieber has been accused of diva-like behavior. An Australian TV host said the artist flipped out over being touched during a May appearance.

Then again, Mills is also on record complaining about another celebrity's reaction on his radio show:

"Pamela Anderson was a whirlwind of nonsense," he said. "She came on the show, didn't answer any questions and as she left she threw a piece of paper at me saying 'read this', which was the details of her TV show."

Dude, maybe it's you.


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